
27. October, UIQ - A SPACE ODDITIY
Lecture Performance by  Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson
Afterwards discussion in Sihlpost, Lagerstrasse 2, 8004 Zürich, 18.00h

About the Project
"Following the publication in 1980 of Mille Plateaux, Félix Guattari began work on Un amour d’UIQ, a film script for a science fiction movie. Initially developed in collaboration with filmmaker Robert Kramer, the script of UIQ (Universe Infra- Quark) was to occupy Guattari on and off for the next seven years, although the film was finally never made. In this audiovisual essay, artists and filmmakers Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson consider the evolution of the UIQ script amid a general resurgence of interest in science fiction in the late 1970s and early 1980s. _ By placing echoes of the unfilmed script in relation to a montage of scenes from sci-fi films of the period, Maglioni & Thomson aim to isolate the singularity of UIQ in the virtual dimension of what it might have been and what it may yet become."

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